Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Archibald Prize Art Gallery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Archibald Prize Art Gallery - Essay Example Archibald Prize Art Gallery Australia has an evident record that it treasures its art heritage because of the established national gallery. The Archibald art gallery has existed for some time in Australia and has qualified to become one of the influential events in the art history. Archibald was one of the Australian journalists who found pleasure in art. He exhibited immense interest in journalism, initiating the publication of an influential bulletin. Although the bulletin tackled diverse topics, he reserved space for upcoming artists to use it as an avenue for displaying their inherent talent. Due to his undying interest for young artists, he received the privilege of becoming a trustee of the New South Wales art gallery. As he served in this position, his interest for art became more apparent, a factor that motivated him to designate a certain amount in his will that would afford an annual prize for an artist exhibiting exemplary talent. He intended the prize to motivate artists to use art as an avenue of presenting honor to any Australian exhibiting exemplary contribution to the society either through art, science or politics. The Archibald prize is one of the significant events both to the art world and in the public domain. The prize was the idea of the journalist Archibald who exhibited a lot of interest in art. In his efforts to support artists, and foster the celebration of people of exemplary contribution to the society, he allocated some funds for the Archibald prize.... The prize has also served as a motivation for upcoming artists. After his death, the trustees of the gallery sought to grant him the honor and publicity that he had so often turned down during his life. Through his demonstrated interest in art, he made sure that the great men and women who existed before to receive honor in form of portraits. A portrait made in his honor and the regard of the gallery with his name after death served as evidence of the art culture that he had begun and has progressed until now2. His portrait was a commission from the board of trustees in honor of hi support towards art. The Archibald Prize The New South Wales art gallery has had trustees who have demonstrated ardent interest in fostering the art culture of the Archibald Prize began by Archibald in 1921. The trustees have adhered to a culture of awarding the prize annually to any artist who represents an influential person, with a reputation of contributing positively to the Australian society. Since t he award seeks to honor Australian men and women who exhibit an exemplary contribution to the society through different fields, the competition only includes works from Australian artists3. The competition remains an open affair for any interested artists who exhibit interest in doing portraits of the reputable people in society. The board of trustees of the New South Wales art gallery takes up the responsibility of judging the presented art pieces from artists all over Australia. In the recent years, there are several prize won contrary to the earlier years when only the Archibald prize was up for grabbing for the many artists. Usually, the board of trustees would judge the portraits presented by different artist who make portraits of celebrated men and women. In the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Is coporate social responsibility just a new trend or is it the modern Essay

Is coporate social responsibility just a new trend or is it the modern business 'modus operandi' - Essay Example The work presented by Carroll (1999) states that the history behind corporate social responsibility (CSR) is extensive and its modern foundations were in fact laid as early as the 1950s.1 Since the emergence of the concept till the present day, a key question that has risen relates to the ideological and theoretical basis of CSR and whether the concept carries any practical implications for modern businesses. Lindgreen and Swaen (2010) claim that CSR’s movement from an ideological concept to an applicable one has occurred, primarily because businesses now fully recognize and understand that ‘not only is doing good the right thing to do, but it also leads to doing better’. ... siness scenario of today, organizations are more concerned about CSR than companies of the past ever were which is reflected in the understanding that 80% of the companies listed on the Fortune 500 attend to various CSR initiatives and intensively invest in corresponding programs as suggested by their websites. 8 Evidently, this observation suggests that CSR has now become the modus operandi of modern businesses and not merely a new trend. However, this conclusion cannot be certified unless further studies, empirical researches and discussions are used within the scope of the paper. According to Visser (2010) the progression of the economic age has lead to significant changes in business models and operations, thereby, causing a corresponding change in how businesses deal with CSR.9 The latest stage of the economic age is marked by the slogan of responsibility moving from the management phase of business operations that functioned under the modus operandi of management systems.10 The modern business of today now operates under the modus operandi of business models that are integrated with the main principle of responsibility that a business essentially exercises through its products; this view claims that unlike optimistic definitions of CSR that cover a business’ responsibility towards all stakeholders, modern CSR specifically and exclusively targets the customers alone.11 While for Visser (2010) the internalization of CSR into an organization’s modus operandi is dependent upon the business model12, Murray and Dainty (2009: p245) suggest that this is possible via the means of establishing a successful structure that assist’s CSR management. 13 Commentators such as Sahlin-Andersson (2006) notes that corporate social responsibility is certainly a trend that has