Saturday, May 30, 2020

Reading Research Literature †Week 5 NR439 RRL - 1650 Words

Reading Research Literature – Week 5 NR439 RRL (Essay Sample) Content: Reading Research Literature Week 5Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g.,NR439_RRL_Smith. Submit to the Week 5 RRL basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 5. The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment may be found in Doc Sharing.Title: RRLName: [replace this text with your name]The following questions pertain to: George, S., Thomas, S. (2010). Lived experience of diabetes among older, rural people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1092-1100. HYPERLINK "" What is the purpose of this research?The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the perceptions and experienc es of self-control in aged insulin-reliant persons that live in rural areas. The primary aim of the study was to gather the participants experiences to help them construct a new diabetes education framework.What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.This may be implicit or explicit. Is there need to develop guidelines for diabetic management specifically for the aged population? Did the authors describe the research design of this study? If so, give a description.Yes, the author described research design of the study. The authors used a phenomenology study collect the lived experiences of the older insulin-reliant individuals by using unstructured interviews. Furthermore, the design was selected because of its ability to describe lived experiences by research participants.Describe the population (sample) for this study.The sample used in the article was retrieved from local agencies on aging; selection was made between January and May 2005. The pa rticipants were English speaking and aged between 65-85 years. The chosen participants were willing to talk about the experience with diabetes. Furthermore, they were located in social homes and rural areas. The number of people who participated in the study involved eight Blacks and two White women. In addition, they received social security as the only source of income. The length of time with diabetes ranged from seven to 39 years; five individuals had been living with diabetes for 25 years. The other five had lived with the disease for 12 years. All patients had visible evidence of diabetes-related complications. Furthermore, they were widows and had more than one diagnosed disease. Was the sample adequate for the research design that was selected?The sample used in this article is suitable for the research because it involves less than 20 participants who will provide sufficient evidence and information needed for quality research.Describe the data collection procedure.Data col lection used in the research was interviews and surveys. Interviews were conducted in patients home and at their convenience. Unlike structured interviews, the dialogues used in the research involved a quick question such as "please tell me what it is like for you living with diabetes (George, 2010, p. 1096). The interviews allowed patients to provide their experiences. They lasted 1-2 hours depending on how the participant answers the questions. They were also recorded using tapes. After the conversations, a survey was conducted to evaluate the issues of self-management, for example, the rate of testing blood glucose level.How were the data analyzed after collection?Analysis of collected data was performed using Thomas and Polia method of analyzing phenomenological research. The analysis was carried out by phenology research groups comprising of research students enrolled in a doctoral program. The study involved reading and re-reading the recordings to establish insight and the se nse of lived experience.Discuss the limitations found in the study. The limitations present in the study were significant in providing gaps existing in diabetes among the aging in the society. First limitation is that the research used a small sample size that affected the depth of understanding of the relationship between self-monitoring, diabetes, and elderly in the community. Furthermore, few samples create a concept of redundancy or saturation that is achieved when new thematic material arises during interviews. The second inadequacy is that the reading generalizes the relationship between diabetes, rural areas, and elderly. The investigation fails to capture the aspect of different ethnicities such as minority groups, for example, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Native residents. Additionally, the survey was not gendered sensitive, as it did not include men. Furthermore, the transference of data and findings into research report depended on the researcher; the research ers can create biases due to the fear of some aspects such as death and severe illnesses (George, 2010). Irrespective of all the limitations, the analysis captured critical concepts relating to the prevalence of diabetes among old adults in the United States.Discuss the authors' conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?From the findings in the article, the author concludes that the traditional method of educating individuals with diabetes should be discarded. Moreover, self-management education should involve nursing model incorporating patient insights and experiences. George points out that caregivers should allow patients or clients to participate in providing ideas that are used in modification or adaptations of needed structure; instead of forcing diabetes patients into the intellectual, financial, and psychological system, nurses should allow them to decide. Additionally, George advocates for the adoption of International Diabetes Fe deral model that is characterized by patient experience and self-management. He asserts that self-management has the potential of promoting collaborative relationship. An evaluation of the authors conclusion shows that it was done basing on the outcome of the study. The conclusion also provides a long-term solution to the problems that affects diabetes patients during self-management. Therefore, the end is adequate and appropriate for the research was done.How does this advance knowledge in the field?The findings from the study have a significant impact on healthcare. Firstly, the study adds to the existing research on diabetes among the aged. Some of the information added to the reading is that having diabetes and living in a poor state leads to introspection and existential questioning. Furthermore, the research provides an alternative framework for caring for elderly people diagnosed with diabetes. The following questions pertain to:Hunt, C., Sanderson, B., Ellison, K., (2014). Support for diabetes using technology: A pilot study to improve self-management. MedSurg Nursing, 23(4), 231-237. HYPERLINK "" is the purpose of this research?The purpose of the study was to determine how technology could be utilized to assist individuals with type 2 diabetes. Specific aims of the article were raising self-efficacy for diabetes self-management, increasing participation in self-management, and improving on diabetes.What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.There are two research questions for this study: Can technology assist persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Can Apple iPad technology support diabetes self-management? Did the authors describe the research design of this study? If so, give a descrip tion.Yes, the authors described the design for the study. The pilot study utilized a two-group repeated measures design. The participants in the study were sampled from an employee group diagnosed with diabetes located in a medical center in the Southeast. The primary investigator sent emails to describe the research. Interested individuals were given questions and determined if they qualified.Describe the population (sample) for this study.The sample target for the study was 20 employees. Sixty individuals offered to participate. About 17 people were recruited for the research. Was the sample adequate for the research des...

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